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SCC Agendas

School Community Council Meeting, Oakcrest Elementary, October 7th, 2024 @ 4:00-5:00 PM



School Community Council Meeting Minutes 

Oakcrest Elementary 

October 7, 2024 @ 4:00-4:25 PM 

Attendees/Council Members 

Ken Westwood (Principal)       Lane Perkins (Parent)

Travis Workman (Chair)         Christa Banks (Parent)

Parker Cluff (Vice-Chair)        Katie Zarogoza (Faculty)

Eric Pedersen (Parent)           Stephen Keith (Faculty)

Brandi Butler (Parent)           Cynthia Anderson (Faculty)

General Updates

  • Public report cards for each school are now available. Oakcrest is headed in the right direction with Walk to Read and Math RTI. Principal Westwood hopes for more growth, but Oakcrest stayed in a good place.
  • The group had a discussion around Parent Teacher Conferences which were held last week. Discussed things like if the parents felt that teachers covered the new grading scales and areas of focus for this year. The only comments shared by parents were positive.
  • A quick discussion on the modifications to the traffic patterns around drop-off and pickup. Parent comments were around how the traffic flow has been more distributed since the change, instead of very focused on one spot as it was before. Principal Westwood proposed that we survey parents to see what they’re seeing.

Inclement Weather Plan

  • Principal Westwood reviewed the currently adopted plan. There was a question about the temperature threshold, and it was clarified that exactly 20 degrees would be outside, anything below is inside. 
  • One individual brought up a concern about a day toward the end of September when the air was quite bad, but kids were still out at recess. It was explained that the alerting system to notify of air quality may not have been fully running at that point.

Safe Access Plan

  • Principal Westwood discussed some of the issues that were addressed by this council over the years. An update he shared is that there are now two crossing guards at the mouth of the south parking lot, enabling one to cover the street and one to cover the opening of the parking lot across the sidewalk. The council will address this topic again in November, which would include the parent feedback from the above mentioned survey.


School Community Council Meeting, Oakcrest Elementary, September 9th, 2024 @ 4:00-5:00 PM

Oakcrest SCC Agenda09.09.2024


Oakcrest SCC Minutes

September 9, 2024

In attendance:  Ken Westwood, Cindy Anderson, Katie Zarogoza, Travis Workman, Parker Cluff, Eric Pedersen, Brandi Butler, Lane Perkins, Christa Banks and Niki George (JSD Board Member)

Our meeting began with introductions.  Each member of the Council introduced him/herself.

We watched a brief video about the state Landtrust program by way of training.  Council responsibilities include:

  • development and oversight of a plan to use resources allocated by the state landtrust for the benefit of our students
  • development and oversight of the school’s safe access plan
  • consulting on school’s inclement weather plan
  • ensuring the school takes necessary steps to teach safe media access practices

Travis Workman volunteered himself to chair our Council again this year and the vote to take advantage of him, yet again, was unanimous.  Parker Cluff volunteered himself to serve as Vice Chair and the voting was unanimous in his favor.

Meeting dates/times were discussed.  It was agreed that we would meet at 4 p.m. in the media center of the school on October 7, 2024, November 18, 2024, January 13, 2025 and March 3, 2025.  Additional meetings may be scheduled on an “as needed” basis.

We reviewed our current landtrust plan and discussed its implementation.  We also discussed some of the new things happening at Oakcrest this year:  school counselor, social-emotional learning, principals book club and Wit and Wisdom.

Summative data from the 2023-24 school year was reviewed and discussed.  Overall student proficiency outcomes on the RISE test were comparable to the previous year (a high-water mark for our school), but mildly disappointing as we were shooting for new highs.  Student growth scores on the RISE and Acadience assessments were above typical, but below the standard set a year earlier.  A mixed bag, but good results for our school.

Meeting was adjourned about 4:45 p.m.

School Community Council Meeting, Oakcrest Elementary, March 4, 2024 @ 4:00-5:00 PM



Council Members

Ken Westwood (Principal)
Travis Workman (Chair)
Parker Cluff (Vice Chair)
Eric Pedersen (Parent)
Brandi Butler (Parent)

Courtney Fuller (Parent)
Christa Banks (Parent)
Natalie Osborne (Faculty)
Montanna Hood (Faculty)
Noelani Wilkins (Faculty)

Discussion Items
Full day kindergarten next year
o Principal Westwood wants them to be able to stay an extra 30 minutes for natural
o Lots of people are excited to have a choice. This gives everyone a choice.
o Discussed getting kindergarten pick up on the North side to turn right after pick up

Updates from Principal Westwood
o We discussed some staffing changes to the council.

Finalize LAND Trust Plan
o We reviewed the LAND trust plan, focused on growth
o We are measuring growth with the literacy assessments
o We are spending the money on language arts goals.
o The entirety of the LAND trust money will go to 8 literacy aids
o These assistants will help mostly with the walk to read program
o The estimate shows a $4k roll over from this year, but that will likely not happen
o The LAND trust plan is posted on our website
o We have other assistants paid through TSSA as well
o Motion for a vote on the LAND trust plan by Travis Workman Second by Parker Cluff the vote was unanimous in approval.

Open for any other items
o We discussed school attendance; attendance is a big problem across the country.
People are more lax with it since COVID.
o We don’t want kids to attend that are sick but every day they miss digs a little hole.
o How do you best handle this to help kids be at school?

o Parents all received an attendance report at Parent Teacher Conference.
o Motioned and second to adjurn.

Next Meeting:
That’s all folks! Thank you for your time and participation this year!

Oakcrest Elementary School Community Council Minutes January 8th, 2024 @ 4:00-5:00 PM

January 8 2024 SCC Notes

Oakcrest Elementary, SCC, Minutes

Date. January 8, 2024

Members in Attendance. Brandi Butler, Parker Cluff, Noelani Wilkins, Eric Pedersen, Christa Banks, Ken Westwood, Natalie Osborne, Travis Workman, Montanna Hood

Discussion Topics.

Review Academic Learning Scales. Reviewed and discussed academic learning scale examples for grades K-6. SCC members discussed different grade level questions and concerns, as well as wrote down input on a written copy to be provided to the school principal. Team agreed that academic learning scales are a positive addition for student learning. This process sought to provide additional insight to school teams building these scales for future application.


Discuss LAND Trust Plan. Reviewed the annual Land Trust plan budget and current school needs. It was proposed that the allotted budget be focused on employing instructional assistants to support literacy growth (Walk to Read program), as well as critical math needs support. Discussed the cost of employing instructional assistants, and the benefit of focusing on instructional assistant employment through the Land Trust Plan.


Discussion also highlighted the current budgets/needs allocated for PLC’s, TSSA, and In Lieu budgets. Current/future technology needs, such as touch screen devices for grades K-1 were discussed, as it was noted that students are finding academic success in these grades using these devices. Discussion also entailed extracurricular activities, as well as coaching budgets for the school.


The team agreed that utilizing the Land Trust Plan budget for instructional assistants (reading, math) would be the best source of budget use.


Open discussion. Prior meeting discussion of the safe access plan was highlighted. The Safe Access Plan was submitted and signed by the SCC committee chair; referencing lighting on streets, traffic pattern shifts, as well as accessibility of sidewalks on the southeast corner of the school. Principal discussed that a school survey has not been proposed to parents regarding potential traffic pattern concerns due to the city taking an active role in seeing how traffic patterns are occuring (ie.if a new crossing guard is needed, etc). Principal proposed potentially sending out an email in the future to parents pertaining to traffic patterns to support student safety.


Discussed Lexia not being accessible due to a reviewal process. Discussed that Lexia could be accessible to students, post reviewal process. It was noted that other literacy curriculum is available in the meantime for students.


**Next Meeting: March 4, 2024 @ 4:00 – 5:00 PM

Oakcrest Elementary School Community Council Minutes November 13, 2023 @ 4:00-5:00 PM



Members in Attendance: Courtney Fuller, Travis Workman, Natalie Osborne, Ken Westwood, Christa Banks, Eric Pedersen, Parker Cluff, Veronica Holyoke, Montanna Hood, Niki George.


Review of School Report Card:

Strongest Achievement since RISE was introduced. Oakcrest fell into a typical ranking. Oakcrest was awarded an exemplary rating in Growth. Oakcrest stands out in the school district, possibly a large part due to Walk to Read, Math RTI etc. Early literacy scores are promising to continue to increase our overall Achievement.

Learning Scales Discussion: Next year will only be mastery reporting on report cards. Evaluate critical standards. SCC assess the learning scale handout they received (no 2 handouts are the same) for the meeting in January. Looking for recommendations, comments, thoughts on the learning scales for improvement. Aim to provide parents with learning scales at the beginning of next year so parents can understand report cards better.  Report cards were traditionally based off an average instead of a learning scale.

Safe Access Plan: Consideration of a sidewalk along the west side of the faculty parking lot. Possibly apply for a grant. Current situation is not ADA friendly. Wagons, strollers, bikes, etc. Breezeway was created to keep kids away from the road but does not solve ADA issues etc. What if pick up/drop off was required to go left and faculty/kindergarten were required to go right? Possibly do a survey for this solution. Asking about/encouraging walking groups?


Concern with kids crossing to southside of Hilltop Oak and then running across Black Oak Dr. No 20 MPH flashing signs surrounding the school.


Open Discussion: Attendance was briefly noted with possible incentives to attend school.



Oakcrest Elementary School Community Council Minutes October 20, 2023



Oakcrest Elementary School Community Council Minutes

October 16, 2023

Members in Attendance:  Travis Workman, Parker Cluff, Christa Banks, Eric Pedersen, Brandi Butler, Courtney Fuller, Noe Wilkins, Montanna Hood, Natalie Osborne and Ken Westwood

Latest Assessment Updates

  • Principal Westwood presented DIBELS results from the beginning of year assessment. It showed that some grades are ahead of the district average, with others being close or slightly behind the district. He shared and reminded the council that the LandTrust plan for Oakcrest is generally focused on assistants and other things that help move metrics like these forward.
  • Principal Westwood shared some additional metrics that reflect Oakcrest’s efforts with Walk to Read and RTI (Math) are doing better than ever and show promise for the future based on their trajectory.

Inclement Weather Plan

  • Principal Westwood shared a compilation of responses from leadership of schools in the district that shows how they approach their inclement weather plan. It revealed that schools are very similar in their approach and limits for inclement weather plans.
  • The group read and reviewed Oakcrest’s inclement weather plan as it currently stands. Everyone agreed that the plan is good as it stands.

Open Topics

  • Faculty raised a question they heard from parents during parent-teacher conferences about the possibility of an after-school program in academics for kids that are looking for science, math, etc. Specifically, for those that are looking for more than what can be taught during regular school hours. The discussion revolved around budget constraints being a factor, unless someone is willing to volunteer for it.
  • Another faculty raised topic was around options for helping students who struggle to behave in the classroom. A parent raised the topic of the Second Step program that they’ve seen used at other schools. The group also discussed the limited space of the building regarding providing a calming room for students, but it’s currently not an option.

Meeting Closed by Motion and Unanimous Vote of Affirmation



Oakcrest Elementary School Community Council Minutes September 18, 2023


Oakcrest Elementary School Community Council Minutes September 18, 2023


Members in Attendance: Travis Workman, Parker Cluff, Christa Banks, Eric Pedersen, Brandi
Butler, Noe Wilkins, Montanna Hood, Natalie Osborne and Ken Westwood
 All members of the SCC introduced themselves and a notepad was circulated to get requisite contact information

Council Elections
 Travis Workman volunteered to continue as Chair and the Council unanimously
 Parker Cluff volunteered to continue as Vice Chair and the Council unanimously

Meeting Schedule Approved
 The Council agreed to meet at 4 p.m. in the media center on the following future dates:
October 16, November 13, January 8 and March 4
 Additional meeting dates will be approved as needed

 Council members were informed of the expectations associated with School
Community Councils in Utah and provided with links to short videos associated with
SCC’s and the LandTrust program

Current Plan Review
 Mr. Westwood shared current implementation of the key things we discussed as a
Council last winter/spring – especially that which is outlined in our LandTrust Plan

Data Review
 Mr. Westwood shared Acadience (reading) and RISE data for the 2022-23 school year.
While we’ve much yet to accomplish, students at Oakcrest are performing at a higher
level than they ever have and growth trends are positive.

Meeting Closed by Motion and Unanimous Vote of Affirmation



Oakcrest Elementary School Community Council Minutes March 13, 2023



School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Oakcrest Elementary
March 13, 2023 @ 4:00-5:00 PM

Attendees/Council Members

Ken Westwood (Principal)
Travis Workman (Chair)
Parker Cluff (Vice Chair)
Ryann Chase (Parent) (Absent)
Eric Pedersen (Parent)

Natalie Osborne (Parent)
Efrain Diaz (Parent)
Megan Blake (Faculty)
Montanna Hood (Faculty) (Abesent)
Noelani Wilkins (Faculty)

 Status and latest assessment updates (If applicable)
No new updates here
 Response from District on Sidewalk Request
The district response was heck no. Principal Westwood responded with more
clarification on the access issue and it seems to have gotten their attention. The
concern was acknowledged and has been added to the district list. This means the
plan was approved and the request is in. There is no way to know how long this will
take until it makes it to the top of the list.
 LAND Trust Plan (Vote)
Principal Westwood presented our growth goal for k-3 to increase by 3%
more than this year. Plan is focused on English and language arts. We will use
Acadiance Reading and RISE to measure progress. Teachers will do the needed
trainings. We will have 8 literacy aides to help with instruction in the Walk to Read
program. Estimated budget is $92k.
If we end up with extra money we will help pay for the math or kindergarten
assistance or purchase more needed electronics.
We discussed the possibility of the all-day kindergarten class coming to
Oakcrest. We will also be losing the relocatable and need to add an extra 6th grade
class. The music teacher will probably move to the stage. All day kindergarten would
be offered based on the student testing and who says they are interested.
One thing we have not discussed is character ed

Travis motioned for a vote on the LAND trust plan
Eric second the motion
Vote for approval on the plan was anonymous
 School wide character Ed plan
It was recommended to do it during library
Principal Westwood does not want to take up too much library time
Other schools did this as a rotation in the CAMP schedule
IS was asked to loop in parents, many won't do it, making parents aware of
what they are working on.
The school has a set of character Ed books, every team room has some 2nd
step books
teachers do a 15 minute connection to it each morning.
in some schools the teachers teach it themselves on Fridays
Character Ed night for parents and kids
Step 2 program
handling stress
Some parents might be resistant to this, not understanding what the program
We need to get the word out to parents and help educate them.
It was recommended that we add info about it to the registration process
There was a brief discussion about having a kid’s relaxation room.



Oakcrest Elementary School Community Council Minutes January 23rd, 2023


4:00-5:00 PM

Attendees/Council Members: Ken Westwood (Principal), Travis Workman (Chair), Parker Cluff (Vice Chair), Ryann Chase (Parent) (Absent), Eric Pedersen (Parent), Natalie Osborne (Parent), Efrain Diaz (Parent)(Absent), Megan Blake (Faculty), Montanna Hood (Faculty), Noelani Wilkins (Faculty)

LAND Trust Discussion
Reviewed DIBELS scores
o Kindergarten is making good progress
o 1st grade went down, this is likely due to them getting used to the testing style
o the staff is trying to figure out how to avoid the loss in the middle of the year
o kids are progressing through the skills faster this year than they were last
o Many of the second graders have maxed out the skills and will start on 3rd
o seeing holes for 4th and 5th grade being filled in
o Walk to reading for english language learners
o parents don't typically understand why they do nonsense words
o all big words are made up of smaller nonsense words
Reviewed math scores
o They have been able to double or triple math scores in a week or 2 from
focusing on specific skills
o The students like going and learning from a different teacher
o focusing on having the students take ownership of their learning
o The kids are earning medals, and other things to help motivate them
o the numbers on the kindergarten are making things very hopeful for the
future of this program
o seeing unprecedented growth in 2nd grade math that is very exciting as well

Principal Westwood went over the school big picture budget
o He likes to look at the budget as a whole with the council even though we
only have voting power on the LAND trust.
o He purposes the full LAND trust fund go to the aides
o opened up for discussion about the LAND trust plan
 General consensus is in agreement with the plan
o Parker talked about the book lists that they gave to kids
 it was suggested to list the books on the website
 Principal Westwood talked about how we need more books
 The kids can bring these books home
o Principal Westwood discussed the character education plan in place and gave
a positive update on that.



Oakcrest Elementary School Community Council Minutes October 17, 2022

Members In attendance: Travis Workman, Ryann Chase, Natalie Osborne, Megan Blake, Montanna Hood, Eric Pedersen, Noelani Wilkins, Montanna Hood, Megan Blake and Ken Westwood

Principal Westwood started the meeting by going over some math test results at a high level. Marla shared a bit about the “Walk to Math” program and explained that students take a math quiz every week and then go to a smaller group to work on things they need help with next. She shared that they’ve looked at a bunch of data across grades and they can see the growth across weeks. For the last two weeks the kids focused on math fluency (add, subtract, multiply, divide), and they started asking when they could get back to math groups in Walk to Read, so they are enjoying the program.

One of the focuses of the school-wide plan is a focus on hiring/training math assistants. Currently Oakcrest has two assistants and that’s double the usual. Walk to Math so far this year is a great success.

Inclement Weather Plan
Next the council discussed the Inclement Weather Plan, which Is posted on the school website. The Council agreed that it’s good for the kids to get outside and have a break from the classroom. We reviewed the different conditions that would result in a day being spent partially, or entirely, inside. The option of adding a high temperature threshold to the policy was raised as well, however, the council decided that we would leave the plan as-is, and not add a specific high temperature threshold at this time. The policy specifically calls out exceptions being made on an individual basis for both high and low temperatures, so that satisfies for now.

“South Walkway” Discussion
The council had a follow up discussion around kids crossing at the mouth of the faculty parking lot and it not being safe. Principal Westwood shared that any change to the south side of the school would need to be added to the school safe access plan. He wasn’t sure about Jordan District budget for building out a new sidewalk along the faculty parking lot, but said that there has been discussion of it being crowdfunded by families in the school boundaries.
Eric Pedersen brought up the idea again of having a crossing guard at that parking lot entry and Principal Westwood shared that in the past it has been complicated as the city is the one in charge of the crossing guards. The city checked with Jordan School District and they confirmed that by design there is no crossing guard at that entry. Principal

Westwood feels that it’s improbable that a crossing guard would be placed there and feels that a sidewalk could be more likely.
Principal Westwood suggested that we make a request in the safe access plan for an improvement to the plan around school access from the south, then it would need to be reviewed by the district. The council will spend time in their next session making the change.

It was also noted that the current safe access plan isn’t accessible as someone in a wheelchair or crutches would be stuck either crossing the parking lot entrance or circling the entire school property clockwise to the north in order to have an accessible path.

Discussed a group of kids that are causing trouble in the school boundaries in all different ways, including harassing other kids. It was shared that the police are aware and that if any activity from the group is seen, the police should be called immediately to assist.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m.



Oakcrest Elementary School Community Council Minutes

September 8, 2022

Members In attendance: Travis Workman, Ryann Chase, Natalie Osborne, Megan
Blake, Montanna Hood, Eric Pedersen and Ken Westwood

The meeting began just after 4 p.m. with a presentation by Josiah Lybbert, a
patron. He made the case for placing a path from the southwest corner of our
campus down to the sidewalk along the west side of the staff parking lot. While
we have a sidewalk running down the west side of our campus to a stairway
access and a second opening on the northwest corner, some students and
patrons continue to walk/ride down Hilltop Oak and cross the mouth of our staff
parking lot. This poses an unnecessary risk and runs contrary to
recommendations made in our safe access plan. The access along the west side
of our campus can be more challenging and less convenient for those who ride
bikes or scooters and for patrons with strollers or wagons. Josiah’s proposal
would make access simpler for these students/patrons from the southwest corner
of the campus. The SCC discussed his proposal briefly at the time of the
presentation and then again at the end of the meeting. We’ll discuss the proposal
further at our next meeting, identifying next steps should we choose to pursue it.
Council leadership elections were held. Travis Workman was unanimously
elected to serve as Chair and Parker Cluff to serve as Vice Chair.
Dates were set for future meetings: October 17, November 21, January 23 and
March 13. Additional meetings will be scheduled as necessary by the Council. All
meetings will be held in the media center at Oakcrest Elementary School at 4 p.m.
A review was conducted of how the Council’s plans have been implemented this
year. Growth and proficiency data for last year were also reviewed (Acadience
and RISE Assessments).

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.



School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Oakcrest Elementary

February 07, 2022 @ 4:15-5:15 PM

Attendees/Council Members

Ken Westwood (Principal) Travis Workman (Chair) Parker Cluff (Vice Chair) Ryann Chase (Parent) Anna Cooper (Parent) Dallin Cromarty (Parent) Eric Pedersen (Parent) Natalie Osborne (Parent) Megan Blake (Faculty) Richelle Baisch (Faculty) Michelle Butler (Faculty)

  • Latest Testing Statistics/Benchmarks (if available)

Kindergarten numbers are looking better than expected. The tests are not the same test, they assume the kids should make a half years progress. The kindergarten mid- year test is the first time they see text. Usually, the kindergartners lose ground on the middle test but in this case, they made ground.

There is an improvement in numbers we have not seen before. This is due to the new walk to read program, where the students are put in groups based on ability and then spend time with aides or teachers working on specific skills. This program is seeing great success.

We had a discussion on how teachers can help parents know what books their kids should be reading for their level. It was recommended that they provide a list of appropriate books as a starting place.

  • LAND Trust Plan

Principal Westwood reviewed the current LAND trust plan and his recommendation to use all the money for the literacy aides. This needs to be looked at and decided based on a bigger picture view of the entire school budget.

The other assistants are helping with the rotations that consist of the STEM lab, computers, PE and music. Music is paid for from another grant. They no longer have the library in their rotation.

Math assistant works with students as needed. The future goal is to implement a walk to math program similar to reading where they can be grouped by skill.

All aides are estimated to cost about $150k/year

50 more chrome books will be needed. This is estimated to cost about $30k. Other costs are Apple TV replacements and teacher computer replacement, as well as some licensing.

ESL, Mrs. Spotts works with the ESL students each year. These resources all come from the district. This is also having good success. 12-15 kids per grade.

TSSA coaching is required by the district the school must pay half of this, the money has been well worth it.

Arts – the school has to pay 60% This is a significant cost.

Brad Barton is coming to talk to the school on February 8th about respect and kindness.

Everything we talked about as a council last year is happening now this year. Principal Westwood is making sure the school is meeting its commitments.

The staffing budget for the school: The school goal is 22.3 kids per class. The school creates a number based on number of projected kids per class. This is how they decide how many teachers you can hire. To focus more on 6th grade the classes are 22 per class so that is a loss of FTE resources but others have larger to help make up for that. Next year there will be a give and take and things can be more balanced.

The general consensus among the council is the current plan is working well, the reading aides are well worth it, no one suggested any changes at this time.



Next Meeting:  March 21 @ 4:15 PM 

School Community Council Meeting Minutes 

Oakcrest Elementary 

February 07, 2022 @ 4:15-5:15 PM 

Attendees/Council Members 

Ken Westwood (Principal) Travis Workman (Chair) Parker Cluff (Vice Chair) Ryann Chase (Parent) Anna Cooper (Parent) Dallin Cromarty (Parent) Eric Pedersen (Parent) Natalie Osborne (Parent) Megan Blake (Faculty) Richelle Baisch (Faculty) Michelle Butler (Faculty) 

 Discussion Items 

  • Latest Testing Statistics/Benchmarks (if available) 
  • LAND Trust Plan 
  • Open for any other items 

Latest Testing Statistics/Benchmarks (if available) 

Kindergarten numbers are looking better than expected. The tests are not the same test, they assume the kids should make a half years progress. The kindergarten mid-year test is the first time they see text. Usually the kindergartners lose ground on the middle test but in this case they made ground. 

There is an improvement in numbers we have not seen before. This is due to the new walk to read program, where the students are put in groups based on ability and then spend time with aides or teachers working on specific skills. This program is seeing great success. 

We had a discussion on how teachers can help parents know what books their kids should be reading for their level. It was recommended that they provide a list of appropriate books as a starting place. 

LAND Trust Plan 

Principal Westwood reviewed the current LAND trust plan and his recommendation to use all the money for the literacy aides. This needs to be looked at and decided based on a bigger picture view of the entire school budget. 

The other assistants are helping with the rotations that consist of the STEM lab, computers, PE and music. Music is paid for from another grant. They no longer have the library in their rotation. 

Mat assistant works with students as needed. The future goal is to implement a walk to math program similar to reading where they can be grouped by skill. 

All aides are estimated to cost about $150k/year 

50 more chrome books will be needed. This is estimated to cost about $30k. Other costs are Apple TV replacements and teacher computer replacement, as well as some licensing. 

ESL, Mrs. Spotts works with the ESL students each year. These resources all come from the district. This is also having good success. 12-15 kids per grade. 

TSSA coaching is required by the district the school must pay half of this, the money has been well worth it. 

Arts – school has to pay 60% This is a significant cost. 

Brad Barton is coming to talk to the school on February 8th about respect and kindness. 

Everything we talked about as a council last year is happening now this year. Principal Westwood is making sure the school is meeting it’s commitments. 

The staffing budget for the school: The school goal is 22.3 kids per class. The school creates a number based on number of projected kids per class. This is how they decide how many teachers you can hire. To focus more on 6th grade the classes are 22 per class so that is a loss of FTE resources but others have larger to help make up for that. Next year there will be a give and take and things can be more balanced. This will allow for the hiring of heather. 

The general consensus among the council is the current plan is working well, the reading aides are well worth it, no one suggested any changes at this time. 



School Community Council Meeting

Oakcrest Elementary January 10, 2022 @ 4:15-5:15 PM

Council Members

Ken Westwood (Principal) Travis Workman (Chair) Parker Cluff (Vice Chair) Ryann Chase (Parent) Anna Cooper (Parent) Dallin Cromarty (Parent) Eric Pedersen (Parent) Natalie Osborne (Parent) Megan Blake (Faculty) Richelle Baisch (Faculty) Michelle Butler (Faculty)

Discussion Items

  • School bullying policies and practices
  • Latest benchmarks/stats
  • LAND Trust plan
  • Open for any other items

Next Meeting: February 7 @ 4:15 PM

School Community Council Meeting Minutes

Oakcrest Elementary January 10, 2022 @ 4:15-5:15 PM

Attendees/Council Members

Ken Westwood (Principal) Travis Workman (Chair) Parker Cluff (Vice-Chair) Ryann Chase (Parent) Anna Cooper (Parent) Dallin Cromarty (Parent) Eric Pedersen (Parent) Natalie Osborne (Parent) Megan Blake (Faculty) Richelle Baisch (Faculty) Michelle Butler (Faculty)

School bullying policies and practices

Principal Westwood explained that this needs to be updated for the dress code change, but should be available on every school website. Principal Westwood read the section on bullying from the school code of conduct.

Principal Westwood talked about some of the measures he is taking to help the 5th and 6th graders learn more kindness. They have worked on smaller class sizes and other resources. Principal Westwood made sure the kids always had close supervision. They are seeing a lot of improvement.

The most common bullying seen is verbal. The 6th-grade group likes to do roasting. Cyberbullying is an issue and hard to track down and very worrisome. Principal Westwood tries to address anything that comes to his attention. Even if it is things outside of school he will try to bring the parents in and try to do what he can. There is very minimal physical fighting.

Latest benchmarks/stats - LAND Trust plan 

Current LAND trust plan pays for all literacy aides, but the council takes a broader view of all the funds and programs in the school. Literacy assistants seem very happy and vested in what they are doing right now. They are very excited about the program. Right now providing consistent education is really tough with all the COVID hurdles.

The school is required to have a full time instructional coach. The teachers really like the current literacy coach, she has helped a lot. Full time arts specialist. Mr Knight is fulfilling this role. Technology, ipads, labs and computers. Having Ipads for each kid in the lower grades has been very helpful. ELL the school is required to have a plan and resources to help with the ELL. (English language Learners). Teachers are earning ESL endorsements. The school has an ELL specialist for a half day every day who works with them. Training for the teachers is also happening with school money and has been very beneficial for the teachers.

The students are doing mid year testing right now. Principal Westwood will be sending the council new testing data in the next week or 2.

Open for any other items

Communication platforms, the plan is for the school staff to discuss, decide and implement this over the summer break. Bloomz appears to be the most popular.